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Variable Assignment

A sequential statement which changes the value stored in a variable. A variable assignment has no delay.


  [Label:] Target := Expression;

  Target = {either} VariableName Aggregate


See Sequential Statement


The Expression on the right hand side is synthesized as combinational logic. The Target is synthesized to a wire, a latch or a flipflop depending on whether the value is stored between clock cycles:
    variable V, W: Std_logic;
    wait until Clock = '1';
    V := A nand W;                 -- a nand gate
    V := V nor B;                  -- a nor gate
    W := D;                        -- a flipflop
    S <= V;                        -- a flipflop
  end process;


  V := V + 1;
  (V, W) := X;

See Also

Variable, Shared Variable, Signal Assignment, Expression